I've been thinking about starting a blog for months (ahem, years) and as DC talk once sang, "I am the queen of excuses" and if you caught that reference, welcome, we have found each other. And if you didn't, you're still welcome here.
When I boil down all the excuses for why I haven't started blogging it all basically comes down to this, I have been wanting the perfect start. The most interesting story, the best photos and ideally a dozen ideas to follow up on. In the meantime, while deciding on the "perfect start" I have lost dozens of ideas, stories, photos and chances to connect with you on a level different than our interactions when you buy a piece of jewelry from me.
If I am being gut wrenchingly honest, I wait for the "perfect start" and usually "perfect plan" to execute a lot of things in my life. But my best things are the things I've just started. The things I loosely plan and build as I go. If any of you reading this are creatives who also happen to be moms you may have been victim to some of my unsolicited advice that you really should keep creating while raising babies. It's good for you and it's good for them. I stand by that 100%. But here I am admitting that I have used every excuse and then some on moving my business forward.
So, with that, I'm telling you I'm starting. It is quite possibly the worst start. It's a terrible post, it's the WORST season for me, rolling into summer, full of kids and unknowns. But at the same time, it's a start. And maybe an imperfect start is better than no start at all. I'll keep you posted.